First, I am passionate about everything I do. I didn’t know back then that I loved Marketing. This started when I worked as a Virtual Assistant 9 years ago up until now, I discovered that I love talking to entrepreneurs and that’s the reason I decided back to school so that I can learn and explore more about this field.
Second, I’d like to describe myself as driven communicative, and reliable because I’m always looking forward tio new oppurtunities and refuse to life I love to collaborate with people and exchangeideas and learn from others as well, I am persevering to stick with my commitments
Lastly, I am a woman of Integrity. What you see outside of people that’s who I am when I am just alone. I live an authentic life according to my values and goals. Just being true to myselft, my words, and my actions
Meet Camille! (History: Name, Base, Company, responsibilities in life: work, mom, spiritual, how did I start, how did I get here)
How does it influenced my life is really a real relationship and can talk to when everything if falling apart. The affection, Loyalty and the experiences that we have something in common with.
Being part of a faith based community is rewarding for me because you have people that has the same goal, vision and faith as you do. We are not doing this for money but we believe we are doing this to GLORIFY GOD.
Creative Communications is created to communicate people of their stories in their own creative way and if you are a newbie entrepreneur or a long-time entrepreneur, and then you think you’re facing difficulties in your business, you might consider hiring a VA